the unforeseen

美 [ðə ˌʌnfɔːrˈsiːn]英 [ðə ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn]
  • 网络意料之外
the unforeseenthe unforeseen
  1. He made no provision against the unforeseen expenses .


  2. Because I am like this , my body and my mind are able to adapt to the unforeseen circumstances .


  3. First is the unforeseen , but now evident , fragility of the global economy in the face of a systemic banking collapse .


  4. The unforeseen application of ' Hilbert space " was just the kind of thing that Alan would produce to support his claim for pure mathematics .


  5. What are the unforeseen downsides to success ?


  6. Of course , if the unforeseen difficulties are such as would excuse performance , then there is in fact no preexisting duty to perform .


  7. In retrospect , these candid assessments are one of the unforeseen by-products of a full-time , two-year MBA .


  8. One of these is the unforeseen currency appreciation in many developing countries that is a consequence of capital flight from the dismal returns now on offer in wealthy countries .


  9. But in reality , they are responsible for so much more & ulcer-inducing , anxiety-making responsibility for managing the unforeseen .


  10. And yet he says he feels torn : ' 'Despite all the unforeseen and adverse side effects , there seem to have been important improvements in performance , too . ' '


  11. In the event of unforeseen circumstances , he reacts with complete confidence in his ability to come up with a plan in an instant .


  12. An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee .


  13. Our contract states quite clearly that in the event of unforeseen circumstances , we cannot be held liable if we are unable to meet agreed delivery dates .


  14. Procurement risk means that the emergence of unforeseen circumstances makes the actual results of purchase deviate from the possibility and extent of the expected goals . Its contents include human , natural and economic .


  15. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous , shoals it I could only have change-change and the excitement of unforeseen .


  16. We will go on with the experiment unless something unforeseen happens .


  17. However , in practical , various factors and the deviation cause by unforeseen affection is inevitable .


  18. But too often , human frailties gum up the works by leaving unforeseen breaches in otherwise secure systems .


  19. To conquer the drawback of losing unforeseen face characteristics , Expression Ratio Image ( ERI ) is introduced into the algorithm .


  20. They have had to maneuver the ship to avoid unforeseen shoals and shallows .


  21. Of course , she isn 't the only one bearing unforeseen expenses : We have the RV to repair , and everyone has a different opinion about how the new expenses should be handled .


  22. Components ' change impact analysis is the key technology to ensure the unforeseen and potential impact of components ' changes , it allows developers to assess the possible impact of modification , and it plays an important part in components ' maintenance .


  23. The reasonableness of BJR lies on the unforeseen risk of business , the different decision-making capacity of directors , the lack of business judgement expertise of judges and the internal demand of management discretion . Part two focused on the elements of BJR .


  24. The second part analyses the position of " Unforeseen development " in Safeguards measures .


  25. Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of business reserves the right to postpone the course due to unforeseen circumstances .


  26. Track the playback experience on the client and correct unforeseen playback problems due to network congestion in real-time .


  27. The controller can protect the system from the unforeseen or dangerous results because of the mistaken control by adopting parameter password aegis and self-checking system .


  28. Long-term equity investments accounting method change on net assets and future net profits in subsequent periods the impact , indicating the mandatory due to unforeseen changes in accounting policies , the economic consequences of significance .


  29. The ECB president had previously expressed caution about the unforeseen consequences of such a move .


  30. The telephone rings and this marks the prelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes .
